Monday, November 6, 2017


Rerflection/ Book

Reflection doubles the knowledge and the wisdom of the learner due to its sharing perspective, with this learner can identify what went wrong? what went wright? .

An integral component of education is to assist students to construct meaning from their learning experiences; students actively thinking about the knowledge and skills they are utilising, rather than simply being passive participants of learning.  One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through the process of self-reflection.

Read A Loud

Read A Loud Activity

  • Students read the text out in turns, each person reading just 2 paragraphs, or  at a time. The idea is to try to get the passage to flow smoothly and with proper intonation.
  • One person reads aloud, and another acts as conductor. Arms up means loud, arms down means soft. Or arms left means slow, arms right means fast. Or, the conductor can conduct a choral reading of the passage, source: